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​What We Do



Pack 160 stays busy with a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, including:


  • Waterbottle Rocket Launch & Water battle/party

  • Carnival

  • Model Rocket Launch

  • Pinewood Derby

  • Camping at Camp Sayre (Milton, MA)

  • Camping at Willards Woods in Lexington, MA

  • Hiking

  • Other sleepover events through out New England

​Get to Know Cub Scouting

The Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

​Cub Scouting for The Whole Family!


Lexington Cub Scout Pack 160 is open to girls and boys. Following BSA guidelines, each den will be single gender, and girls' dens will be led by at least one registered female leader.


Read more here.

Policy of Non-Discrimination 

Boy Scouts of America Spirit of Adventure Council

The mission of the Spirit of Adventure Council, Boy Scouts of America is to provide character development, citizenship, training in growth, physical and mental fitness, and leadership opportunities for the young people of the Boston metropolitan area. We pride ourselves on the diversity of our members, and we are committed to providing young people with an educational and stimulating environment in which to learn and grow. Through the Scout Oath and Law, we pledge to respect all people and to defend the rights of others. Bias, intolerance, and unlawful discrimination are unacceptable within the ranks of the Spirit of Adventure Council.



The Spirit of Adventure Council serves over 18,000 youth through 3,300 volunteers in over 330 Packs, Troops, and other units without regard to color, race, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, or economic status.


Adopted July 19, 2001 (Originally adopted by the Boston Minuteman Council prior to the merger with the Yankee Clipper Council that formed the Spirit of Adventure Council)

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